Search Registered PV Service Providers Directory Disclaimer: This Registered PV Service Provider (RPVSP) directory only serves as a listing of contact information. SEDA Malaysia shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any information retrieved from this web page, or for any form of loss incurred arising from or in connection with the listing or use of any such information. In no way can the information retrieved from this web page be interpreted as any recommendation or recognition by SEDA Malaysia of the entities listed herein, and no such entities can be interpreted as being an agent to, or act as companies affiliated with, SEDA Malaysia or the Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation (PETRA).
{{ category }} {{ sp.company_name }} Domestic Commercial Industrial Agriculture {{ sp.sp_addresses[1]?.phone }} Telephone No. mdi-phone {{ sp.sp_addresses[1]?.fax }} Fax No. mdi-phone {{ }} Website mdi-web mdi-email {{ sp.contact_name }} Contact Person {{ sp.contact_position }} Position {{ sp.contact_number }} Telephone No. mdi-phone {{ sp.contact_email }} Email mdi-email mdi-map-marker Office Address {{ sp.sp_addresses[1]?.address }} {{ sp.sp_addresses[1]?.postcode }}, {{ sp.sp_addresses[1]?.city }} {{ sp.sp_addresses[1]?.state }} mdi-script-text-outline Description of Product and Services Description of Safety/Quality and/or, Certification and Compliance of Products and Services mdi-shield-account Qualified Person(s) {{ }} {{ qp.certificate_category }} mdi-human-male